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Treating Discolored Teeth: 3 Types of Tooth Stains & How to Address Them

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A closeup of a mouth with tooth stains

As it turns out, summer is among the worst times to have stained teeth. A yellow grin can put people off and lead to bad impressions at parties, vacations, etc. That said, you can still brighten your smile before all the fun in the sun starts. You just need to get dental care from your local Homer Glen dentist. So, read on to consider the three types of tooth stains and how to address them.

The 3 Main Types of Tooth Stains

All in all, tooth stains come in several different types. The three main ones are the following:

Extrinsic Stains

When you picture stained teeth, you likely have extrinsic stains in mind. These marks of pigments are some of the most common ones.

Per their name, extrinsic stains sit on the surface of teeth. They often occur when stain particles build up in the plaque that covers your grin. As for where the particles come from, the flecks normally come from the residue of foods, drinks, or tobacco products. Such items include coffee, wine, berries, cigarettes, etc.

Intrinsic Stains

Sometimes, a smile’s discoloration is more than skin deep. This idea applies when you have intrinsic stains.

Unlike extrinsic ones, intrinsic stains are those below a tooth’s surface. They occur when stain-causing particles work through your enamel and gather below and beneath this layer. These stains can result from excessive fluoride use, injuries, and genetics, so they’re usually tricky to remove.

Age-Related Stains

As it turns out, some discoloration can combine the results of intrinsic and extrinsic kinds. This staining takes the form of age-related stains.

Age-related tooth stains are those caused by the aging process. To be specific, they become visible as your enamel thins and reveal more of the yellow dentin beneath it. Your dentin will also darken over time, making the discoloration even more prominent. The resulting stains can be glaring as you enter old age.

How Can Dentists Treat Your Stained Teeth?

While tooth stains vary in type, dentists have ways to treat every kind. They include:

  • Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening uses a special gel to remove extrinsic stains from your smile, resulting in a grin that’s six to eight shades brighter. It takes the form of either an in-office treatment or a take-home kit.
  • Direct Bonding: To hide intrinsic or age-related stains, direct bonding covers them up with a tooth-colored resin. This service’s results then blend seamlessly with your grin.
  • Porcelain Veneers:  Dental veneers are thin layers of porcelain placed on the fronts of teeth. Once set, they can cover up intrinsic and age-related stains very well.

Knowing the types of tooth stains and how to address them can ensure your summer smile looks great. So, keep them in mind as you look into cosmetic dental work!

About the Practice

Deangelo Dental of Homer Glen is based in Homer Glen, IL. Led by Dr. Alan R. DeAngelo, our practice provides truly high-quality dental care that can change lives. We offer custom treatments that span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency oral treatments. Our team is thus well-equipped to eliminate tooth stains and other smile flaws! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (708)-854-5912.

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