5 Fun Facts About Your Teeth

If there’s one thing the internet is good for, it’s finding fun facts about almost any topic imaginable! Curious minds are like a kid in a candy store, except the candy is nuggets of information that may or may not be relevant to the everyday. These five facts will hit close to home at least – after all, they’re about your teeth. To learn more about the pearly whites that make up your smile, keep reading.
Teeth Are Like Fingerprints
With how popular crime shows and podcasts have gotten, you probably know that fingerprints can sometimes be used to identify a victim or criminal. “No two fingerprints are alike!” as the saying goes.
The same is true for your teeth. In fact, pearly whites can sometimes be a more reliable identifier, since they’re more resilient than a fingerprint.
Like An Onion, They’ve Got Layers!
That’s right, there’s more to your tooth than what you see on the surface. If you give it a tap, what you’re touching is known as “enamel.” Underneath that is another, softer material called “dentin.” And passed the dentin is a squishy center where the nerves are housed, otherwise known as the “pulp!”
Enamel is Strong Stuff
Speaking of enamel, did you know that it’s actually the hardest substance in the human body? Unfortunately, this doesn’t make it indestructible. Cavity-causing bacteria can erode this layer, for example, putting you more at risk for other oral infections. That’s why dentists emphasize taking the time to brush and floss your pearly whites!
You Make Lots of Spit
10,000 gallons over a lifetime, to be precise! That means the average person makes about one quart of saliva every day. It’s easy to think of spit as something gross (because it is gross), but it plays a vital role in keeping your teeth healthy. It provides essential moisture, neutralizes acids, and even helps clean your smile.
Not Everyone Develops Wisdom Teeth
Having your wisdom teeth taken out is almost like a right of passage. Most people experience this as teenagers or young adults, but some actually don’t experience it at all. For one reason or another, these lucky few simply don’t have wisdom teeth.
Do you feel smarter? These five dental facts are certainly entertaining but also explain certain aspects of your oral health. If you’d like to know more about your pearly whites, ask your dentist so you can take the best possible care of your smile!
About the Author
Dr. Alan R. DeAngelo is a highly educated and skilled dentist. He received his dental degree from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry, and has been an instructor for general biology, comparative anatomy, ichthyology, Lake Michigan biology, and vertebrate physiology. Basically, he loves to learn! Dentistry is an ever-evolving field, which keeps his curiosity busy and his mind sharp. If you liked the fun dental facts in this post and would like more – or are simply looking for a reliable dentist – visit Dr. DeAngelo’s office in Homer Glen! To reach out, call 708-854-5912.
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